Here is the story:
06/27/2008 08:57:58 AM MDT
CHEYENNE, WYO. — A Cheyenne jury has awarded a Colorado Springs couple more than $18 million for injuries from a 2006 crash at the intersection of Interstate 25 and Interstate 80.
A tractor-trailer struck a 1993 BMW driven by Peter Brohpy.
Denver attorney Gary Ceriani says Brohpy suffered severe brain damage in the crash, and that Brohpy now uses a wheelchair and can barely speak.
District Court documents show that a jury found negligence on the part of the trucking company, Omaha, Neb.-based Werner Enterprises, and the truck driver, Cheryl Neal.
The jury awarded Brohpy $15.8 million and his wife, Kate Brohpy, $2.3 million for loss of her husband's future income.
An attorney for Werner Enterprises declined to comment.
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