Sunday, September 16, 2007

Werner Crash Statistics -- Werner vs. UPS Freight

An updated Werner safety record follows and the results are not surprising. These statistics answer a tired question: Has Werner's safety record improved? You be the judge. The Werner statistics are available here:

Werner Enterprises State Reported Crashes (within 30 months)
Contains data as of August 24, 2007

Number of Vehicles Involved in State Reported Crashes 1,969
Number of Vehicles Involved in Crashes Resulting in Fatalities 48
Number of Vehicles Involved in Crashes Resulting in Injuries 712
Average Number of Power Units 10,618.0
Number of Drivers 12,651

UPS Ground Freight State Reported Crashes (within 30 months)
Contains data as of August 24, 2007

Number of Vehicles Involved in State Reported Crashes 571
Number of Vehicles Involved in Crashes Resulting in Fatalities 17
Number of Vehicles Involved in Crashes Resulting in Injuries 210
Average Number of Power Units 6,642.3
Number of Drivers 8,260

Feel free to pick another truck company for a third comparison. An interesting statistic is the number of Werner's power units to drivers; a good company doesn't need to recruit 2000 drivers.

---WernerScrews 10-4